Fostering in Thurrock
Foster carers offer a home to children and young people while their own parents are unable to look after them. Anyone aged 21 or over can apply to be a foster carer.
Choosing to foster is one of the most important decisions you will ever make.
Children who need care
Children who cannot live with their own families for various reasons may need to live with foster carers for a few days, a few weeks or the whole of their childhood.
Foster carers offer the nurturing and care that children need.
Local support for you
As a foster carer, you won't have to work alone. We will make sure you receive the help and support you need to give the highest standards of care.
Fostering is a local service. You don't need to live in Thurrock to be a foster carer for us, but ideally you should be within 20 miles of the borough.
It's time to make a difference
In 2024, we're looking for at least 20 households who have room in their homes and their hearts to become foster carers with us.
So far 1 household has joined and we're looking for 19 more – could you be our next star?

We would especially like to hear from people of black and ethnic minority heritage, including individuals or couples of dual heritage, who are interested in fostering.
Jenny on fostering with Thurrock Council
Jenny is a foster carer with Thurrock Council. In the video below, recorded on 1 June 2021, she tells the council's Corporate Parenting committee about why she joined Thurrock Fostering as a foster carer, the advantages and support she receives, and how the experience has enriched her life.
Jenny says:
"I joined Thurrock 5 years ago and didn't really think of going anywhere else. We literally spoke about becoming foster parents and Thurrock was our first choice. We didn't even look anywhere else.
"I thoroughly enjoy it. I feel like I've found what I was meant to do, that's what I honestly feel like. I feel like I went through life, I was 'mum', I'd done all of those bits and – I did the nesting because I started young – and when mine got a bit older, I was like, 'Actually, I don't feel done', and that's how I became a foster parent.
"It's good, the incentives are really good, the [exemption from] council tax is fantastic, so thank you very very much everybody! Getting a zero bill was the best ever!
"It's good, the support's there. To get to know all of the other carers as well, it's like having a new family, it's lovely.
"I wouldn't change it. Thank you."