Freedom of information response

Cloud spending

Publication date: 
Friday 12 July 2024

- Has your organisation's spending on cloud computing increased, decreased or stayed the same in the last five years?

- Has your organisation's spending on and prioritisation of sustainability considerations increased in the last five years?

- In the last five years, have there been any factors that have impeded progress with projects aiming to improve the sustainability of your organisation and its work in this area? (for example, cost, availability of clean energy provision, knowledge and skills)?


- Has your organisation's spending on cloud computing increased, decreased or stayed the same in the last five years?  Yes

- Has your organisation's spending on and prioritisation of sustainability considerations increased in the last five years? Yes

- In the last five years, have there been any factors that have impeded progress with projects aiming to improve the sustainability of your organisation and its work in this area? (for example, cost, availability of clean energy provision, knowledge and skills)? Yes – intervention.

Request reference:
FOI 13960