Freedom of information response

Contracts for remote or online sexual health testing

Publication date: 
Thursday 9 May 2024

1. Does the authority commission or procure these services

2. In each of the financial periods 2021-22, 2022-23, April 2023 to December 2023
a. How much did the authority spend overall on sexual health testing services
b. How much did the authority spend on online services
c. How many citizens were tested using online services

3. How much was spent (by the authority or predecessor organisations) in each period with each of the following providers for online sexual health services
a. Preventx
b. SH 24
c. TDL or their NHS joint venture, Health Service Laboratories
d. Viapath
e. Synlab or their joint venture, Synnovis
f. Lloyd’s pharmacy
g. NHS Trusts/ their laboratory services
h. Other. Please name any provider where the spend in any year exceeded £100,000

4. When did the authority last issue a tender for these services

5. When does the current contract expire


Your request | Our Response

1. Does the authority commission or procure these services

Services are Commissioned

2. In each of the financial periods 2021-22, 2022-23, April 2023 to December 2023

a. How much did the authority spend overall on sexual health testing services

The figures below are the total contract value for the integrated sexual health services and is the full cost to the council for 2021-2022 and 2022-23.

2021-22 - £1,351,726.75

2022-23 - £1,474,611

April 2023 to December 2023 - £1,234,004.22, a further £65,000 has been allocated for the full financial year for the provision of long acting contraception by Primary Care.

b. How much did the authority spend on online services

This figure has been included in answer 2a.

c. How many citizens were tested using online services

April 2021 -April 2022 – 4741 kits sent out / 3018 unique patients

April 2022- April 2023 – 5,743 kits sent out / 3131 unique patients

April 2023 – December 2023 – 2,578 kits sent out / 2516 unique patients (9 months only, if extrapolate to 12 months would be around 3300)

3. How much was spent (by the authority or predecessor organisations) in each period with each of the following providers for online sexual health services

a. Preventx

Commercially sensitive

b. SH 24

Commercially sensitive

c. TDL or their NHS joint venture, Health Service Laboratories

Commercially sensitive

d. Viapath

Commercially sensitive

e. Synlab or their joint venture, Synnovis

Commercially sensitive

f. Lloyd’s pharmacy

Commercially sensitive

g. NHS Trusts/ their laboratory services

Commercially sensitive

h. Other. Please name any provider where the spend in any year exceeded £100,000

Commercially sensitive

In issuing our response the Council has applied S43 of the Freedom of Information Act.  Information is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it).  A commercial interest relates to a person’s ability to successfully participate in a commercial activity, i.e. the purchase and the sale of goods or services.  The reasons for this have been captured below under the public interest test section.

Request reference:
FOI 13750