Freedom of information response

Digital information solution as part of the local Family Hubs Programme and support offer

Publication date: 
Monday 12 August 2024

Has the Local Authority commissioned a Digital information solution as part of the local Family Hubs Programme and support offer?

If yes, what is the Service provided?

What are the start and end dates for this service?

Does the solution provide all potential service users with options to link up with professionals and practitioners through the digital solution eg., Maternity Providers, Health Visitors, Early Years, Early Help Services through mobile or digital technology?

Has the local authority any current or future plans to integrate the Family Hub digital offer with NHS or private sector partners/providers? Eg., Midwifery, Public Health Nursing, Early Years providers?

Has the local authority commissioned a Digital solution as part of its 0-19 service offer?

If yes, please can you tell us what this is. What are the start and end dates of this service?

If no, does the local authority plan to do this in future years?


No the LA has not commissioned a Digital information solution as part of the local Family Hubs Programme and support offer.

Request reference:
FOI 14059