Freedom of information response

Flooding Complaints

Publication date: 
Monday 20 May 2024

- how many flooding complaints taken by any means of record, where in relation to by address of flooding, and the dates

- what action was taken as a result of the above contacts

- cost spent on drainage repairs, by value, location, and work type

- cost spent cleaning or clearing ditches, by location


- how many flooding complaints taken by any means of record, where in relation to by address of flooding, and the dates

2 Formal complaints logged during the requested period

Locations and dates:

1st Complaint – Johns Way to Rose Way - Received on 14 February 2023

2nd Complaint – Buckles Lane – Received on 12 December 2023

- what action was taken as a result of the above contacts

Action taken:

1st Complaint – Section of drainage that was causing the flooding was responsibility of Anglian Water, meetings held with them to address

2nd Complaint – Issues caused by material being deposited into drains and suspected foul water, attendance carried out at site to carry out cleansing works and consideration being given to making amendments to the type of kerb inlet drains on site

Also see attachment: FOI 13807 CRN - Flood Description

- cost spent on drainage repairs, by value, location, and work type

See attachment: FOI 13807 Drainage Repair Costings

- cost spent cleaning or clearing ditches, by location


Request reference:
FOI 13807