Freedom of information response

OT Waiting List Status

Publication date: 
Wednesday 21 August 2024

1. Please confirm your OT waiting list status, including:

a. The total number of cases
b. No of Adult service user cases
c. No of Paediatric service user cases
d. A breakdown of service users waiting by:

i. DFG, 
ii. Moving & Handling 
iii. Functional assessment
iv. Other

e. The mean average wait in months for an OT assessment in the last 12 months (if not recorded: please state your current longest and shortest case wait in months)

2. What percentage of your OT assessment service has been outsource in the last 12 months?

3. If the service is being outsourced to the NHS: 

a. Is the service being delivered under section 75 agreement? Yes/No
b. Who is the main contact responsible for the delivery of the OT assessments service within the NHS?

i. Name
ii. Job title
iii. Email
iv. Telephone number

4. If the service is commission to an independent provider:

a. Can you advise what commissioning mechanism you use:

i. Through frameworks (If so, where is your framework published?)
ii. Direct relationships
iii. Preferred Supplier lists
iv. Other (please elaborate)

b. Who is your current independent provider(s) for OT Assessments:

i. Name of supplier(s)
ii. The number of cases outsourced and a cost paid per assessment (on average if easier)
iii. The forecast total value spent during the contract term 
iv. Contract start date
v. Contract end date 

5. Who is your current community equipment provider for the OT assessment service?

i. Name of supplier(s)
ii. Total spend for 2023/24 financial year
iii. When is the contract end date 

6. Who is the main contact responsible for the OT services at the Council? 

i. Name
ii. Job title
iii. Email
iv. Telephone Number


1. Please confirm your OT waiting list status (as of 04/06/24), including:

a. The total number of cases                 130

b. No of Adult service user cases            115

c. No of Paediatric service user cases    15

d. A breakdown of service users waiting by: Single assessment approach taken, where solution to achieve outcome is not pre-determined.  Cases are prioritised by risk, with urgent and high risk cases assessed within 48 hours.

i. DFG,

ii. Moving & Handling

iii. Functional assessment

iv. Other (including housing needs Assessment)

e. The mean average wait in months for an OT assessment in the last 12 months (if not recorded: please state your current longest and shortest case wait in months)

Current waiting time is approx. 3 months (shortest 0 months, longest 9 months [please note, several cases where change in circumstances has occurred has delayed assessment to progress])

2. What percentage of your OT assessment service has been outsource in the last 12 months?

50 – 60 %

3. If the service is being outsourced to the NHS:  No

a. Is the service being delivered under section 75 agreement? Yes/No No

b. Who is the main contact responsible for the delivery of the OT assessments service within the NHS? N/A

i. Name

ii. Job title

iii. Email

iv. Telephone number

4. If the service is commission to an independent provider:  Yes

a. Can you advise what commissioning mechanism you use:

i. Through frameworks (If so, where is your framework published?)

ii. Direct relationships

iii. Preferred Supplier lists

iv. Other (please elaborate) Open Market Tender

b. Who is your current independent provider(s) for OT Assessments:

i. Name of supplier(s)         Inclusion.Me

ii. The number of cases outsourced and a cost paid per assessment (on average if easier) - Approx 60 – 80 per month.  Cost varies depending on complexity and specific detail considered commercially sensitive.

iii. The forecast total value spent during the contract term           Contract value – £596k

iv. Contract start date         01/10/2023

v. Contract end date          30/09/2027

5. Who is your current community equipment provider for the OT assessment service? 

i. Name of supplier(s)         Medequip – Section 101 agreement with Essex County Council

ii. Total spend for 2023/24 financial year           £592k

iii. When is the contract end date                      30/06/28

6. Who is the main contact responsible for the OT services at the Council? - Generic email:  FAO Occupational Therapy Service Lead at We are unable to provide the contact details of any staff members below the directorate level under S40.

i. Name

ii. Job title

iii. Email

iv. Telephone Number

Unfortunately we are unable to provide in full the information you have requested.  We do hold the information but an absolute exemption applies.  Personal Information (Section 40,2) 

Personal data of any other person (third party data) is exempt under section 40(2) if disclosure would breach one of the data protection principles. This aspect of Section 40 is an Absolute Exemption and is therefore not subject to the Public Interest Test. 

The names of officers working for the Council is personal data specific to them. It is therefore subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act. Information can be withheld if its disclosure would be likely to breach one or more of the Principles of the Data Protection Act. There is no prior expectation on the part of team Managers (or other officers working below the level of Director) that their names and job titles / positions would be published into the wider public domain under FOI. A disclosure made under FOI constitutes a publication to the world at large. We believe that to disclose this would be likely to breach the first Principle of the Data Protection Act by unfairly contravening their right to privacy and confidentiality in the work place.  

However, in the interests of transparency we are able to share details relating to senior officers (Director  level and above). For these officers, there is already a greater expectation of openness about their role given their level of accountability for service provision and budgetary decision making.  

For your information please see the following link which outlines staff details of Director and above:

Request reference:
FOI 14134