Freedom of information response
Print Management & Energy Consumption
I would be very grateful if you would provide me with answers for the following questions regarding your carbon goals and printer agreements through the organisation:
- What is the current average energy charge within the organisation (kW hour)?
- What Carbon reduction goals are in place within the organisation?
- What is the contact email for the person who deals with sustainability and ESG matters within the organisation?
- Do you lease/rent or Purchase your MFD’s/Photocopiers?
- Who is your current supplier?
- What is the current number of MFD’s/Photocopiers within the organisation
- What make/model are the MFDs/Photocopiers
- What is the total mono print volume for the MFD’s/Photocopiers
- What is the total colour print volume for the MFD’s/Photocopiers
- What is the approximate spend on service over the last 12 months?
- When does the Rental and or service agreement end for the MFDs/photocopiers, and what was the original contract term?
- Do you lease/rent or Purchase your desktop printers?
- Who is the current supplier?
- What is the current number of desktop printers within the organisation?
- What make/model are the desktop printers
- What is the total mono print volume for the desktop printers
- What is the total colour print volume for the desktop printers?
- What is the approximate spend on service over the last 12 months?
- When does the rental and or service agreement end for the desktop printers, and what was the original contract term?
- What is the contact email for the person who deals with the printer and MFD contracts?
• What is the current average energy charge within the organisation (kW hour)?
This information has been withheld. Section 43 Commercially sensitive.
• What Carbon reduction goals are in place within the organisation?
Thurrock Council has a target to reduce its operational CO2 emission to net zero by 2030.
• What is the contact email for the person who deals with sustainability and ESG matters within the organisation?
Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) matters are increasingly embedded in teams throughout the council. For matters relating to sustainability in the first instance you should contact the Council’s Economic Development Manager
Personal data of any person (third party data) is exempt under section 40(2) if disclosure would breach one of the data protection principles. This aspect of Section 40 is an Absolute Exemption and is therefore not subject to the Public Interest Test.
• Do you lease/rent or Purchase your MFD’s/Photocopiers?
• Who is your current supplier?
• What is the current number of MFD’s/Photocopiers within the organisation
• What make/model are the MFDs/Photocopiers
• What is the total mono print volume for the MFD’s/Photocopiers
This information has been withheld. Section 43 Commercially sensitive.
• What is the total colour print volume for the MFD’s/Photocopiers
This information has been withheld. Section 43 Commercially sensitive.
• What is the approximate spend on service over the last 12 months?
In issuing our response the council have applied S21 of the Freedom of Information Act. This means that the information you have requested is already available elsewhere so is therefore exempt for disclosure. The information you have requested is available at: Payments to suppliers | What we spend | Thurrock Council this will enable you to search for the information you have requested.
• When does the Rental and or service agreement end for the MFDs/photocopiers, and what was the original contract term?
In issuing our response the council have applied S21 of the Freedom of Information Act. This means that the information you have requested is already available elsewhere so is therefore exempt for disclosure. The information you have requested is available at: Current contracts | Our contracts | Thurrock Council this will enable you to search for the information you have requested.
• Do you lease/rent or Purchase your desktop printers?
• Who is the current supplier?
• What is the current number of desktop printers within the organisation?
• What make/model are the desktop printers
• What is the total mono print volume for the desktop printers
• What is the total colour print volume for the desktop printers?
• What is the approximate spend on service over the last 12 months?
• When does the rental and or service agreement end for the desktop printers, and what was the original contract term?
• What is the contact email for the person who deals with the printer and MFD contracts?
Head of Digital and IT – Name withheld, personal data of any person (third party data) is exempt under section 40(2) if disclosure would breach one of the data protection principles. This aspect of Section 40 is an Absolute Exemption and is therefore not subject to the Public Interest Test.
Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act
Information is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it). A commercial interest relates to a person or organisation’s ability to successfully participate in a commercial activity, i.e. the purchase and the sale of goods or services.
The Council are of the view that the release of the information in scope of your request would prejudice its own commercial interests and the commercial interests of the other parties involved in any future tendering process. The reasons for this have been captured below under the public interest test section.
Public Interest Test:
The Council have considered the public interest test in relation to section 43 (2) in releasing the information in scope of your request. The outcome of this is below.
- Public interest in disclosure:
- Accountability for spending of public money. There is a public interest in this generally.
- Where a public authority is purchasing goods/services there is a public interest in ensuring value for money is achieved.
- Public interest to maintain the exemption:
- Public authorities are major purchasers of goods and services and providing a full copy of a contract would be detrimental to the Council, as if the price or details of a contract were disclosed, it would hinder the Council's ability to receive multiple bids for future contracts and/or could limit the variation of bids supplied putting the Council at a disadvantage.
- Companies compete by offering something different from their rivals. That difference could be price/quality/specification. Information that identifies how a company has developed that unique element, is commercially sensitive. For example, where a company competes on price, it may be that the final price charged is readily available, however information disclosing how the company is able to offer the product at that price may not be.
- Companies should be able to compete fairly on a level playing field. If the details of a previous contract are publicly available then this would put the current contractor at a commercial disadvantage.
Based on the above, it is the Council’s view that there is a stronger public interest to engage the exemption for section 43 (2).