Freedom of information response

Public Health Funerals

Publication date: 
Monday 15 July 2024

Under the Freedom of Information Act I would like to request the following information:
1. Can you please provide me with the electronic link to the most recent version of your public health funerals list.
2. If the public health funeral list that you maintain is not up to date please provide details of public health funerals conducted up to the 31st December 2023 or up to the latest date available.
3. If you do not maintain an online list please can you provide details of the public health funerals carried out by your authority from January 2015 to the latest date availableconfirming the name of the deceased, date of birth and date of death and location.
4. Further please provide confirmation as to whether or not you have identified a next of kin for each person for whom you conducted a public health funeral.


1. Can you please provide me with the electronic link to the most recent version of your public health funerals list.

2. If the public health funeral list that you maintain is not up to date please provide details of public health funerals conducted up to the 31st December 2023 or up to the latest date available. N/A See website

3. If you do not maintain an online list please can you provide details of the public health funerals carried out by your authority from January 2015 to the latest date available confirming the name of the deceased, date of birth and date of death and location. N/A See Website

4. Further please provide confirmation as to whether or not you have identified a next of kin for each person for whom you conducted a public health funeral. Searches are carried out prior to all PHF, If NOK found they normally take over the funeral arrangements, therefore the funerals would not be added to the webpage. 

In issuing our response the Council has applied S21 of the Freedom of Information Act.

This means that the information you have requested is already available elsewhere so is therefore exempt from disclosure. 

The information is available at:

Request reference:
FOI 13970