Freedom of information response

Waste Collection

Publication date: 
Tuesday 4 June 2024

How much is the debt?

Who sanctioned the spending/ misappropriation of public funding. I.e my money?

What action I.e legal action/ civil action is being taken against those person/s?

If not why not?

Are their pensions being removed with immediate effect?

If not, why not?

How much were these 'leaflets' to produce, publish and deliver?

Is there any conflict of interest of anyone in the council own a printing company that produces these by any chance?

How long until Thurrock Council is back in the black? (That's an accounting term by the way).

Who is doing an investigation to gather the learns so this doesn't happen again?

When is Council tax going to go DOWN?

What is your plan for doing that? I and other residents are appalled and disgusted with local and national government waste of our money you must and will be held accountable.

When did a bin become a 'subscription' like Spotify or Netflix. I think that sounds better in your head than reality?


How much is the debt?

Who sanctioned the spending/ misappropriation of public funding. i.e my money?

In issuing our response the Council has applied S21 of the Freedom of Information Act.

This means that the information you have requested is already available elsewhere so is therefore exempt from disclosure. 

Please see link to pages of interest regarding the debt and the councils financial position are available here Fit for the future | Improvement | Thurrock Council

What action i.e legal action/ civil action is being taken against those person/s? If not why not?

Information about legal action being taken is publicly available here Legal proceedings confirmed | Thurrock Council   

Are their pensions being removed with immediate effect? If not, why not?

The council have applied a section 40 exemption to this part of your request. Please see details below.

How much were these 'leaflets' to produce, publish and deliver?

Printing cost were £23,105. Delivery was £13,400+vat so overall: £36,504

Is there any conflict of interest of anyone in the council own a printing company that produces these by any chance?

There is no council interest in the printing. The council has a contract with an external print company that went through all of the correct procurement processes. The contract tender was advertised and bids were received and assessed.

How long until Thurrock Council is back in the black? (That's an accounting term by the way).

Please see link - Agenda for Cabinet on Wednesday, 21st February, 2024, 7.00 pm | Thurrock Council

Who is doing an investigation to gather the learns so this doesn't happen again?

Financial regulator to carry out independent investigation into failed investment strategies | Thurrock Council

Agenda for Council on Wednesday, 28th June, 2023, 7.00 pm | Thurrock Council – Best Value report is on this agenda

When is Council tax going to go DOWN?

Unfortunately we are unable to provide the information you have requested because we do not hold this information.

What is your plan for doing that? I and other residents are appalled and disgusted with local and national government waste of our money you must and will be held accountable.

Please see link - Fit for the future | Improvement | Thurrock Council

When did a bin become a 'subscription' like Spotify or Netflix. I think that sounds better in your head than reality?

A subscription is “an advance payment made to receive or participate in something.”

Request reference:
FOI 13867