
Fit for the future

Thurrock Council is making major changes to improve the way it's managed, to achieve financial stability, and to make the council fit for the future.

In September 2022, we were put into intervention by the Government following serious concerns about our finances. We continue to face significant and well-publicised challenges.

Since intervention began, work has been underway to make the council better and more efficient. The scale of the work is huge and will take time to complete.

Getting back on the right track

Council leaders have been working with a team of commissioners appointed by the Government to get us on the right track from day one of intervention.

During the first year of intervention, important work has begun to improve our financial processes and to lay foundations for a stable future.

The next steps will include:

  • developing new unified ways of operating council services on a day-to-day basis
  • making the changes necessary for long-term improvement
  • establishing the highest standards of financial management
  • recovering as much former investment as possible

More information

For more information, go to: