
National adoption drive launches as more children need a forever home

25 July 2024

Adoption experts have described an 'unprecedented' decline in adoption rates. For the first time in recent years, there are now more children in need of adoption than those coming forward to adopt.

In comparison to adoption rates in 2022-23, there has been a 14% increase in children needing an adoptive family. Latest data also shows that 15% fewer children were placed with an adoptive family in the last 3 month.

In response to these figures, You Can Adopt has today launched its latest recruitment campaign, 'The Journey', which aims to inspire more people to take the first step towards growing their family. You Can Adopt is a nationwide adopter recruitment programme run by Adoption England.

The campaign comes in the midst of the cost-of-living crisis, which has heightened parental anxieties about finding the 'perfect' time and circumstances to start a family. This has been especially the case for prospective adopters, with 9 in 10 saying it has directly affected their adoption decisions. Like any new parents, many prospective adopters worry about their ability to cope, but experts are highlighting that adoption is a journey that can be navigated with a range of support available at every stage.

To mark the launch, new survey data reveals feeling underprepared for parenthood is very common among all parents. Being emotionally ready (42%) earning lots of money (20%), being at the right point in their career (14%) were among the most common concerns before people start a family. However, almost 7 in 10 (65%) of parents in fact said 'they never truly felt prepared to become a parent' and 78% said there is no such thing as a 'perfect time' to start a family.

While 78% felt it was the most challenging thing they have ever done, this was outweighed by the 86% who consider parenting as the most rewarding experience of their lives. The results have been released by You Can Adopt. It highlights that, while the path may not always be smooth, the rewards of giving a child a loving, stable home are unparalleled.

Councillor Vikki Hartstean, Cabinet member for Children's Services, said: "Adoption is a deeply fulfilling journey that transforms the lives of both children and parents. Becoming a parent is never without its uncertainties, but the incredible rewards of providing a loving, stable home for a child far outweigh any difficulties.

"The recent decline in adoption rates and the growing number of children in need of a permanent home is concerning, which is why 'The Journey' campaign by You Can Adopt is a timely and vital initiative, aiming to inspire more people to consider adoption.

"We are proud to offer support for all of our adoptive parents both before, during and after the adoptive process to give parents the best opportunity to provide a happy, settled environment for their children."

A new campaign film follows adoptive families on their travels, reflecting research findings that highlight the ups and downs of 'family journeys'.

According to the new survey, the public commonly associate family trips with getting lost (29%), sibling bickering (26%) and spillages (14%). However, these chaotic moments are far outweighed by the positives, such as special memories (47%), excitement for the destination (38%) and bonding time (38%).

The results have been highlighted by You Can Adopt to show that much like any family trip, adoption is an adventure filled with chaos, challenges, conversations and love.

Find out more about starting your adoption journey at

To learn more about adoption in Thurrock, go to
