
Commitment to strengthening business engagement reaffirmed by Mayor

14 November 2022

The Mayor of Thurrock, Cllr James Halden, met with some of the borough's key businesses last week as part of the council's determination to continue building strong and open relationships with Thurrock's business leaders.

Directors and Chief Finance Officers from the Port of Tilbury, New River, DP World, Twinwheel Logistics Ltd, Webster Miller Transport Ltd, Bold Security Group and KBC Logistics Ltd met with the Mayor, the Leader of the Council, Cllr Mark Coxshall and senior officers to discuss the work taking place to achieve a clear and overarching 'Place' mission for Thurrock, along with the strategies supporting this and how, as businesses, this directly supports their growth priorities.

Cllr Halden said "There is no doubt that Thurrock has the potential to rival London's square mile but needs to improve how we support local entrepreneurs on the front-line of our local economy and better link them with our community and charitable sector.

"Meeting with some of our business leaders has been a great opportunity to listen to local commercial needs but most importantly, has given the council new actionable ideas that will support genuine delivery of our ambitions for Thurrock. This was a great start and I look forward to meeting many more businesses over the coming year. This is only the start.”

Cllr Coxshall, said: "I am determined to have openness, transparency and honesty at the heart of conversations with businesses who invest in our communities, which is why I appreciated the chance to communicate Thurrock Council's current financial position and our plans for the future. I would like to thank the Mayor for his new focus on driving business engagement and look forward to seeing how this develops.

"Last week's event was the next step to rebuilding trust with local stakeholders and in the long-term will encourage more businesses to come and invest in Thurrock. I want to thank our business colleagues for their time and for contributing to a positive conversation. We are all wholeheartedly committed to making Thurrock the best it can be."

Thurrock Council's plan to meet with as many local businesses as possible in the coming months has come off the back of a recent survey undertaken by the council's Economic Development team. This saw 600 businesses share their views on how best Thurrock businesses could be supported to not just survive, but thrive and grow into stable local stakeholders capable of giving back to Thurrock's towns and communities. The council is committed to continuing dialogue with businesses irrespective of their size and listening to their feedback and concerns.

If businesses would like to get in touch with the council's Economic Development team, they are invited to contact

Alternatively, if you would like to invite the Mayor of Thurrock to visit your local business or support a community event, you can contact the Mayor's Office by emailing

Photo below: the Mayor speaks with business representative in Thurrock.