Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean campaign, which runs from 21 March - 6 April, is calling residents across Thurrock to show they love where they live by taking part in the mass action litter pick.
In support, the council is appealing to residents to pledge to pick one bag of litter - or more - for Keep Britain Tidy’s 10th Great British Spring Clean.
Thurrock is delighted to lend their support to back the charity’s plea to the public to pledge on the charity’s website to pick one bag or more of litter from streets, parks, beauty spots and beaches in order to protect our vibrant communities and precious wildlife habitats.
The charity reports that last year:
- 97% of participants agreed that they felt they had made a difference to their local area.
- 84% of people who took part in the Great British Spring Clean agreed that they felt more pride for their local area.
The Great British Spring Clean brings together individuals, community organisations, businesses and councils to make a difference to the environment on our doorstep.
Get involved in the Great British Spring Clean today by pledging at: and using the hashtags #GBSpringClean #LoveWhereYouLive