
Thurrock Adult Community College honours outstanding achievements

18 July 2024

On Wednesday 10 July 2024, Thurrock Adult Community College (TACC) held its annual Learner of the Year Awards. The event recognised the outstanding achievements of adult learners and brought together students, staff, community partners and other interested groups to celebrate these achievements.

The Learner of the Year Awards is a hallmark event for TACC, celebrating the perseverance and accomplishments of its diverse student body. This year's ceremony was no exception, with a record number of nominees and attendees reflecting the growing commitment to lifelong learning within the Thurrock community.

The evening commenced with a welcome address by TACC Principal, Keeley Donati, and Chair of Governors, Neil Woodbridge, who highlighted the college's mission to empower individuals through education.

Learner nominations were received in 6 categories:

  • Resilience
  • Peer Support
  • Positive Attitude
  • Most improved
  • Principal's Award
  • Special Recognition

The winner of each category received a trophy and a certificate, which was presented to them by Cllr Kairen Raper, Mayor of Thurrock.

Many of the learners had overcome personal challenges and barriers to complete their course and achieve a qualification and their inspirational stories brought many to tears.

Cllr Vikki Hartstean, Cabinet member for Children's Services, which includes adult education, said: “Congratulations to all the winners of each category, these awards show what a great job the Thurrock Adult Community College does. It is inspiring to see so many people expanding their horizons, enhancing their career opportunities and learning new skills thanks to everything that TACC offers.

“It was an inspiring and moving evening hearing about how the learners have overcome a whole range of challenges and barriers to persevere and achieve their personal goals and qualifications. Congratulations to all our learners and we look forward to welcoming them again in September for the start of our new academic year.” 

TACC is keen to support Thurrock residents to develop new skills that will help them fulfil their potential and achieve their ambitions whether they be career related or personal.

For more about learning at TACC, go to

Photo below: the Cllr Raper and attendees at the event.