
Planning peer review will help build on improvements already underway

11 January 2024
Thurrock Council leaders have welcomed the findings of a peer review of the council's planning service.
The review, which was carried out by the Local Government Association’s Planning Advisory Service (PAS) at the council's request, took place between 30 October and 2 November 2023. A range of partners and community and business representatives were interviewed as part of the review as well as council officers and councillors.

Tilbury Ferry

10 January 2024
Cllr Andrew Jefferies, Leader of Thurrock Council and Cllr Roger Gough, Leader of Kent County Council have spoken about this and agreed that meetings will take place to discuss the future of the Tilbury to Gravesend Ferry and look at joint work that can take place between the two councils to maintain the service without recourse to public funds.
Cllr Jefferies said: "We look forward to our two councils working together to explore what possibilities exist to maintain the ferry service without having to use local council tax payers' money to provide financial support."

Financial regulator to carry out independent investigation into failed investment strategies

3 January 2024
The UK body that regulates auditors and accountants has today announced it will begin an investigation into an individual's conduct regarding the financial management of Thurrock Council’s failed investment strategies.
The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has stated it will investigate the individual’s compliance with governance and professional standards relating to Thurrock Council's operations and investment activities for the financial years ended 31 March 2018 to 31 March 2022.

Christmas Dinner Project spreads festive cheer to care leavers

21 December 2023
Local community and Thurrock Council volunteers are hosting a special Christmas Dinner for care leavers across Thurrock as part of the annual Christmas Dinner Project campaign.
The Christmas Dinner Project brings together local volunteers to help ensure that no young adult care leaver is left alone on Christmas Day.

Budget consultation and engagement launched

29 November 2023
Thurrock Council has launched a series of consultations and surveys on proposals for its 2024/25 budget.
This follows a first of its kind, 5-hour Overview and Scrutiny meeting, which all councillors were invited to attend to consider, examine and ask questions about any aspect of the budget proposals.

RACC response supports pupils attending local schools

27 November 2023
Thurrock Council has been working with schools across the borough as they respond to issues affecting buildings containing Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC).
Cllr Adam Carter, Cabinet Member for Education, recently visited St Clere's Secondary School and Thameside Primary School to see what action they had taken and praised the Osborne Co-operative Academy Trust for their exceptional work in difficult times.

Leader responds to publication of proposed council budget savings

22 November 2023
On 28 November 2023, the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee will meet to consider budget proposals for the 2024/2025 financial year. The committee papers will detail the council's proposals to realise savings of £18.2million out of its revenue budget.
Speaking after the publication of the committee papers, the Leader of the Council, Cllr Andrew Jefferies explained: "There can be no denying that Thurrock Council is facing some very difficult decisions.

New people join top team

21 November 2023
Updated 11 January 2024.
Recruitment to the council's senior leadership team has seen 2 director posts filled, with the successful candidates set to join the council in the new year.
The new members of the leadership team are as follows.

Additional support for Thurrock Foster Carers

20 October 2023
Thurrock Council has increased allowance payments and improved the support available to foster carers, as the council seeks more foster carers to open their hearts and homes to support vulnerable young people.
Cllr Barry Johnson, Cabinet Member for Children's Services and Housing, said: "Our foster carers are truly remarkable people providing vulnerable young people with a safe and loving family environment which allows them to grow, develop and thrive.

Thameside Complex lit up white and blue in solidarity with victims of violence

10 October 2023
Cllr Andrew Jefferies, Leader of Thurrock Council said: "We are lighting the Thameside Complex white and blue – the colours of the Israeli flag – today to show that we stand in solidarity with the victims of terrorism following the terrible attack that took place in Israel over the weekend. Our thoughts and prayers are with all victims of this current conflict, and their families and loved ones.
“The complex will be lit up in line with government buildings throughout the UK as we show solidarity with those affected by this deplorable act of violence."