Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as amended)
Notice under Article 15(3) of an Application for Planning Permission accompanied by an Environmental Statement
Land to the south of National Grid's electrical substation for new cable tunnel, Fort Road, Tilbury
Planning application reference: 23/01502/FUL.
Location: Land to the south of National Grid's electrical substation for new cable tunnel, Fort Road, Tilbury.
National Grid has applied to Thurrock Council for planning permission comprising: Proposed construction a new cable tunnel beneath the River Thames between Tilbury and Gravesend to provide additional transmission capacity. Above-ground infrastructure in the form of a new Cable Sealing End compound and a new head house building along with associated electricity infrastructure, access, parking, boundary treatment and two overhead gantry structures for future overhead lines. Temporary compound for the duration of the project to provide parking, staff welfare facilities, delivery vehicle parking, and equipment and machinery storage, including boundary treatment and lighting.
An Environmental Statement has been submitted in accordance with the Town and Country (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations. Members of the public may inspect the planning application, plans, Environmental Statement and all other documents submitted with the application on the council's website at:
The Environmental Statement is available from National Grid:
- phone – 020 3398 1599, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5:30pm
- email –
Anyone who wishes to make representations about this application should write to the council at the address below or make comments online within 30 days from the date of this notice.
Chief Planning Officer,
Thurrock Council,
Civic Offices,
New Road,
RM17 6SL