Public notice

Licensing Act 2003

Application for Review of a Premises Licence (Licensing Act 2003)

Review of Premises Licence - New Courthouse, 39 King Street, Stanford le Hope, SS17 0HJ

An application for review of the above premises licence has been made on the grounds of: 


  The Prevention of Public Nuisance

Any interested party or responsible authority (as defined by the Licensing Act 2003) may make representations to the Licensing Authority no later than 12 December 2024.

Any representations made to the Licensing Authority must be in writing.

It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with this application. The maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for this offence is unlimited.

Licensing Department

Thurrock Council

Civic Offices

New Road


Essex RM17 6SL

Publication date: 
Thursday 14 November 2024