Public notice

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Major Development

Town and Country Planning

The following application(s) have been received. Any representations thereon should be delivered to the Chief Planning Officer at the below address within 21 days of advertisement publication


Proposed two-storey rear and two-storey side extension, associated groundworks, and upgrade to vehicle access off Pilgrims Lane.

2 Davey Down Villas Pilgrims Lane North Stifford

 (Affecting the setting of a listed building)


Redevelopment of Tilbury Pier Foreshore, with:

1. New Shared Surface - Pedestrian priority with new parking arrangement

2. Existing block paved paths refurbished

3. New paths

4. Forecourt to station

5. Interpretation Boards

6. New cycle stands

7. New bus shelter

8. EV charging for cars and bikes

9. Bus island retained

10. Access to lower path refurbished

11. New seating

12. New bollards, light poles, railings and security cameras

13. Enhanced planting

Land Adjacent Former Tilbury Riverside Station Including Car Park And Landscaped Park Ferry Road Tilbury

 (Affecting the setting of a listed building) (Development affecting a public footpath)

Chief Planning Officer

Thurrock Council

Civic Offices

New Road

Grays Essex

RM17 6SL

Publication date: 
Thursday 30 January 2025