Public notice

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Town and Country Planning

The following application(s) have been received. Any representations thereon should be delivered to the Chief Planning Officer at the address below within 21 days of advertisement publication.

Erection of a new 3-bedroom chalet style dwelling, a detached 2-storey cart lodge, associated landscaping and boundary treatment including gated entrance, to be constructed on former tennis court site.
Land and tennis court, Tyelands Farm House, South Hill, Langdon Hills.
(Departure from the development plan)

Application for the variation of condition 29 (Flood Wall Management Plan (EA)) of planning permission reference 20/00242/FUL (Hybrid planning application: Detailed approval sought for the demolition and site clearance of the existing Tilbury FC Stadium (Chadfields) and the erection of a new stadium (clubhouse, stands, lighting, car park etc.) on the site of existing training pitches located to the northeast of the existing stadium. Outline approval sought for the erection of up to 112 new dwellings on the site of the existing stadium, with all matters reserved except for access) to update Flood Wall Management Plan to Flood Bund Management Plan.
Tilbury Football Club, St Chads Road, Tilbury.
(Major development and departure from development plan)

Application for approval of the following reserved matters: Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale pursuant to grant of outline permission 19/01058/OUT for construction of up to 161 new dwellings (C3) with vehicular access from Churchill Road, construction of 7,650 square metres (gross external area) of flexible employment floorspace (Use Class B1c / B2 / B8) with vehicular access from Thurrock Park Way, provision of open space including landscaping and drainage measures, new pedestrian / cycle links, and associated parking and access.
Land part of Little Thurrock Marshes, Thurrock Park Way, Tilbury.
(Major development)

Construction of 3 4-bedroom dwellings with private amenity space, off-street car parking and vehicular access to highway.
Land adjacent to Roseheath, Southend Road, Fobbing.
(Departure from the development plan)
(For information only)

Chief Planning Officer
Thurrock Council
Civic Offices
New Road
RM17 6SL

Publication date: 
Thursday 12 September 2024