Traffic management

Enforcement of traffic offences

Motorists must comply with traffic restrictions at all times.

Examples of offences against traffic restrictions include:

  • driving in a bus lane
  • driving onto a road where there's a 'no entry' sign
  • turning left or right where a sign shows this is not allowed
  • making a U-turn where a sign shows this is not allowed
  • entering a yellow box junction when the exit isn't clear
  • driving anywhere or at any time motor vehicles are not allowed

We monitor moving traffic at the locations listed below and will take enforcement action against motorists who commit traffic offences.

We take enforcement action to:

  • encourage motorists to comply with the rules of the road
  • help reduce congestion on roads
  • improve road safety

Traffic monitoring locations

We use cameras with automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) to monitor traffic.

The table below lists locations where ANPR cameras are in use.

Location Offence monitored Start date
Roundabout at M25 Junction 31 Entering a yellow box junction when the exit isn't clear 31 July 2024

If you commit an offence

If you commit an offence within the first 6 months of us starting to monitor for traffic offences at a location, we'll send you a warning notice.

You will get a penalty charge notice (PCN) if you commit an offence at a location:

  • after we've already sent you a warning notice for an offence at the same location
  • any time after the first 6 months of us monitoring traffic offences there

Read how to:

Further information

To read our enforcement strategy and code of practice, go to our parking strategies page.