Anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour case review

You can ask for an anti-social behaviour case review if you are unhappy with the way your report of anti-social behaviour (ASB) has been dealt with.

Whether you had reported anti-social behaviour to us or the police, or your housing provider, the case can be reviewed by Thurrock Community Safety Partnership. The partnership brings these organisations together to solve problems.

Before you can ask for a case review you must have made either:

These reports must have been made within a month of the alleged incident, and must not have been made anonymously. You must apply for the case review within 6 months of reporting the incidents.

You should not apply for a case review if you have made a complaint that is still being dealt with.

A case review does not replace the complaint procedures of individual organisations. You can still complain to the Local Government Ombudsman or Independent Police Complaints Commission if you are unhappy about the service you have received from an individual or organisation.

Apply for a case review

You can apply online for an anti-social behaviour case review. You must provide full contact details so we can acknowledge your application and let you know how the review is progressing. We will not begin a case review unless we have these details.

Anti-social behaviour case review application

Do not use this form to report new cases of anti-social behaviour or hate crime

Go to reporting anti-social behaviour for more about reporting new cases.

The form is detailed and asks for the information we need to assess your application. You will be asked when you reported the incidents and to whom, the dates of the incidents and any reference numbers you may have, plus information about the incidents themselves.

What happens next

The community safety partnership manager will decide whether your application meets the conditions for a case review. They will let you know within 10 working days of acknowledging your application.

If the conditions are met you will receive a confirmation letter. The letter will tell you the timescales for the review and when it will be complete. A review is normally carried out in 30 working days.

A case review panel meeting will be held, inviting all the organisations that have been involved. This meeting will establish what action, if any, has been taken so far and what further actions should be taken. These will be written in the form of an action plan with timescales, saying who is responsible for each action. You will be sent a copy of this plan.

If you are unhappy with the action plan and decision of the panel you can appeal in writing within 21 working days of receiving your decision letter. The chair of the community safety partnership will then review the details of the case and decide if there are grounds for appeal. They will notify the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC) of the decision.

ASB case review summary 2022/23

All figures in the table below are for the 12 month period ending on 31 March 2023.

Requests Total
Number of requests received by Thurrock Community Safety Partnership for an ASB case review 12
Number of requests accepted by Thurrock Community Safety Partnership for an ASB case review 6
Number of requests that didn't meet the threshold for an ASB case review 5
Number of requests dealt with through agencies' complaint procedures 1
Percentage of requests for an ASB case review responded to within timescales 100%
Number of appeals in relation to ASB case reviews 1