Planning appeals

What to do if your application is refused

You can appeal against our refusal of a planning application. The law does not give this right of appeal to anyone other than the applicant. You should first decide whether an appeal is necessary.

We outlined the reasons for refusing permission, or imposing conditions, in the decision notice. This includes the relevant planning policies. It may help to read the planning officer's report to understand the decision better.

Reading the report and, if necessary, speaking with the planning case officer involved should help you decide whether a revised application would stand a better chance of success. If this option sounds promising, you can submit a new application.

If the proposal is sufficiently revised and submitted within 1 year of the original application being submitted, you will not need to pay another fee for the second application. The planning case officer will be able to advise on this.

If an application is refused, planning officers will be available to meet the applicant or their agent to discuss a revised proposal that addresses the reasons for refusal. Prior submission of amended plans, in sketch or full form, is essential. It is important to note that a better result cannot be guaranteed.