Planning decisions

Decision notices

About 4 in 5 planning applications are approved and are subject to conditions. Gaining planning permission is not the end of your involvement with us. Once a decision on your application has been reached we will send out a decision notice. This will be issued to you or your agent.

Once you have received this decision notice you must check if there are any conditions attached. If there are, you must make sure you provide the information or documents about any limitations placed on your work.

Often these conditions must be discharged before starting the development. The easiest way to do this is online via the Planning Portal.

Discharging your planning conditions

After you have received your decision notice you or your agent must work out which conditions require you to submit more information.

The fee for discharging conditions is set nationally by the government.

The latest fee is published in 'a guide to the fees for planning applications in England', which you can download from Planning Portal: what it costs.

Fees must be paid to us. Some conditions will need to be completed before a development can start, otherwise the application may become invalid or enforcement action may be taken.

Changing your application

Once you have received your decision notice you may be able to make minor changes to your application without submitting a new application. These are either non-material amendments, minor material amendments or a time limit extension. Any significant changes would require the submission of a new application.