Report a dead animal for removal
The Council’s Clean and Green team will remove deceased animals from public highways and council-owned land. The team are equipped with scanners to detect if the animal has a microchip.
Once we have removed the animal from its location, our system will notify Pippa’s Pets and they will collect the animal from our depot at Oliver Close. Pippa’s Pets will try to locate the pet owner and return the animal to them. If this is not possible, they will arrange humane disposal with a local veterinary surgery.
All animals that are found without a chip present and cannot be linked to an owner are disposed of as soon as feasibly possible, for health and hygiene reasons.
When reporting a deceased animal, please tell us:
- the location or address where the animal was last seen or is still located
- brief details of the animal, such as type, colour, size
- the day / time you saw the animal