Building control for large developments

Partner authority scheme

This scheme is the partnering of a local authority building control (LABC) team with a company or architect, to enable the checking and approving of all building regulation applications for that company, regardless where the project is being constructed. When the project commences on site, the council for that area carries out inspections in the normal way.

Hundreds of companies across the country have already signed up to this scheme. Companies include Simons Group Ltd, Birse, David McClean, Halfords, Iceland, Marks and Spencer, Perimmon Homes, Roadchef, Tilbury Douglas and Willmott Dixon.

The advantage to companies that design or build in more than one locality is they can partner with a council of their choice.

If you would like to take advantage of the partnering scheme and wish to use us as a checking authority, please get in touch.

Building Control

: 01375 652 655
