Child protection

Advice agencies

Ask Thurrock

Ask Thurrock – the online family service directory for families and young people in Thurrock.

Family Rights Group

: 808 801 0366

Provides advice and support for families whose children are involved with social work professionals

Family Lives

: 080 8800 2222

Offers support to anyone bringing up a child

Women's Aid and Refuge 24 hour Helpline

: 080 8200 0247

Provides information and advice for women experiencing domestic violence.

Useful Thurrock telephone numbers

Children's Services initial response
Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, RM17 6SL

: 01375 652 802


Emergency contact outside of office hours

: 01375 372 468

For use outside of normal office hours:

  • Monday to Thursday, 5pm to 9am
  • Friday, from 5pm through the weekend until 9am on Monday
  • public holidays