Community safety partnership

Thurrock Community Safety Partnership

Thurrock Community Safety Partnership has a duty by law to reduce crime, disorder, anti-social behaviour and related behaviours affecting the local environment, including misuse of drugs and alcohol.

Our priorities for 2024/25 are:

  • breaking the cycle of domestic abuse – in line with the Domestic Abuse Duty and needs assessment
  • reducing harm to, and safeguard, victims of hate crime
  • engaging with residents to tackle community based anti-social behaviour and safeguard victims
  • preventing serious violence – tackling the causes of drug driven violent crime in our communities (including robbery) through driving down gang-related activity, including offensive weapons
  • tackling disproportionality in relation to violence against women and girls – including sexual offences, stalking and rape, whilst recognising that men and boys can also be victims

In addition, plans and appropriate governance are in place to fulfil our duties in relation to:

  • Prevent Duty, revised 2023
  • reducing reoffending
  • year 3 of our action plan, concerning human trafficking and modern slavery

These priorities were informed by our strategic assessment 2023/24, which identifies the scale and scope of crime, disorder and community safety issues within Thurrock

Our priorities are aligned with those of the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.

The partnership's board meeting minutes are available to download.