Education for looked after children

Homework and exams

Every child at school is given homework and asked to sit exams.


Every school expects their pupils to do homework each day.

The school sets out how much you should do in a home-school agreement. Carers and parents have a copy of this and can help you with your homework.

Some schools have homework clubs and these can be good for some young people. Some schools give you a homework diary to help you keep on track. If you ever find a piece of work difficult, always ask for help.


There are different types of exams you can take:

  • SATS tests – 11 year-olds and 14 year-olds are tested in English, maths and science to make sure that they are reaching the right levels for their age and are getting the right sort of support to do their best

  • GCSEs – there are different levels of GCSEs called tiers, and you should talk to your teacher to make sure you are entered for the tier that suits you

  • GNVQs – if you are better at practical tasks than academic ones, a GNVQ may be for you

Talk about your exams at your review and how you are preparing for them. If you need any extra books or other resources, ask for them.