
Prepare for an emergency

For national advice on preparing for an emergency, go to GOV.UK: Prepare.

Flooding emergencies

Owners or occupiers are responsible for protecting their own homes and businesses.

By law, councils are not required to provide flood defences such as sandbags to protect homes, properties or businesses. We are unable to provide assistance when flooding occurs due to high tides, high water levels in surrounding water courses, combined water and sewerage drains being at capacity, or drains being unable to handle a large volume of water in a short space of time.

We have a limited supply of sandbags. These will only be provided on a case-by-case basis during flooding, or when we are directed by the emergency services. We cannot provide sandbags to residents or businesses as a preventative measure, or upon request, or to protect gardens or outbuildings.

Flood water is dangerous:

  • 6 inches of fast flowing water can knock you over
  • 2 feet of water can float your car
  • flooding can cause manhole covers to come off, leaving hidden dangers
  • don't walk or drive through flood water
  • don't let children play in flood water
  • don't walk on flood defences or river banks
  • bridges may be dangerous to walk or drive over when water levels are high
  • culverts, allowing water to flow under roads or railways, are dangerous when flooded
  • look out for other hazards such as fallen power lines and trees
  • wash your hands thoroughly if you touch flood water as it may be contaminated

For flood warnings:

  • check the GOV.UK: flood information service website for latest information, or phone the 24 hour Floodline on 0345 988 1188
  • alert neighbours, especially if they are elderly
  • block doors - with flood boards if available - and air vents with plastic sheeting and sandbags
  • move electrical and valuable items to a higher level (check your insurance cover)
  • bring pets indoors
  • monitor flood warnings and weather reports
  • prepare to turn off gas, electricity and water supplies - store some drinking water in clean containers
  • prepare sandbags, protecting only the building rather than lining the perimeter of your land, which reduces flood capacity
  • register at GOV.UK: sign up for flood warnings to receive warnings direct
  • listen to local radio
  • check Digital TV page 405
  • if life is at risk, call 999

The GOV.UK: flooding and extreme weather web pages give more information on preparing for flooding, what to do during a flood, and what to do after a flood.