Freedom of information requests


The tables below show how many requests for information we process within our target time.

In these tables for each type of request:

  • 'Requests closed' is the total number of individual requests we completed processing, either by providing the information requested or by explaining why we are unable to do so
  • 'Closed on time' is the total number of the requests closed that were closed within the expected time limit for processing
  • 'Percentage on time' is the proportion of closed requests that were on time – 100% means all were on time, 0% means none were on time

Freedom of information requests 2023/24

The expected time limit for these requests is 20 working days.

Period Requests closed Closed on time Percentage on time
April to June 241 236 98%
July to September 242 238 98%
October to December 273 264 99%
January to March 360 354 99%

Environmental information regulations requests 2023/24

The expected time limit for processing these requests is 20 working days.

Period Requests closed Closed on time Percentage on time
April to June 2 2 100%
July to September 3 3 100%
October to December 3 2 67%
January to March 5 4 80%

Subject access requests 2023/24

The expected time limit for processing these requests is 1 calendar month.

Period Requests closed Closed on time Percentage on time
April to June 37 31 84%
July to September 30 27 90%
October to December 33 32 96%
January to March 25 21 84%