Health and well-being strategy 2022-2026
Our current health and well-being strategy is the health and well-being strategy 2022-2026.
For 2016-2021, our vision for improving the health and well-being of Thurrock people was to add years to life and life to years.
Our principles for achieving this were:
- reducing inequality in health and well-being
- prevention is better than cure
- empowering people in communities
- connected services
- our commitments will be delivered
- continually improving service delivery
- continuing to establish clear links between health and education services, improving accessibility for all
The strategy had 5 goals, each with 4 objectives. The goals were:
- opportunity for all – better educated children and residents who can access employment opportunities
- healthier environments – places and communities that keep people well and independent
- better emotional health and well-being – strengthened mental health and emotional well-being
- quality care, centred around the person – remodel health and care services so they are more joined-up and focus on preventing, reducing and delaying the need for care and support
- healthier for longer – reduce avoidable ill-health and death
It was developed by Thurrock Health and Wellbeing Board, in response to consultation feedback from Thurrock people.
You can download the strategy and its annual reports below.