Home to school or college travel support

Policies and useful information

Our home-to-school travel and transport policies cover arrangements for school-aged children.

Support for young people over the age of 16 is covered in our post-16 transport policy statement, below.

For government guidance, go to GOV.UK: guidance on home to school travel and transport

We also provide a school transport code of good practice and advice on safe journeys to school.

Travel information

You can plan a journey by bus, train, ferry or on foot at Traveline: plan your journey.

Our travel and transport pages provide information to help you get around Thurrock, including:

Contact us

Contact us if you have questions about home-to-school travel support or your application.

Education Awards and Benefits
Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, RM17 6SL

: awards@thurrock.gov.uk