Reporting concerns
As a member of the public, you can report a concern by phone or email.
Report a concern – by phone or email
If you are concerned about someone’s safety you should call the police if it is an emergency. If it is serious and the person need medical attention, call an ambulance or a doctor.
You can report concerns to us by phoning or emailing Thurrock First.
: 01375 511 000
Main opening hours are Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm.
Limited service on Monday to Friday from 7am to 9am and 5pm to 7pm, and on weekends and bank holidays from 7am to 7pm.
Read more about Thurrock First.
You can also report concerns to:
Report a concern – safeguarding concern form
Health professionals, service providers and members of the public can also report concerns using the Southend, Essex and Thurrock safeguarding (SETSAF) concern form, which can be sent by email.
You can use this form to report concerns about a learner you think may be at risk of radicalisation into terrorism. These reports are known as Prevent referrals and go to our 'Channel' panel. Channel is a national programme to identify and support vulnerable individuals at risk of being drawn into terrorism
Safeguarding adults – concern form (SETSAF)