Library fees and charges

Library fines

Books are loaned for 3 weeks.

Fines are charged at rate of 30p for each day an item is kept after the date it was due to be returned. In the first week, the fine is:

  • day 1 – 30p
  • day 2 – 60p
  • day 3 – 90p
  • day 4 – £1.20
  • day 5 – £1.50
  • day 6 – £1.80
  • day 7 – £2.10
  • each week after the first week – £2.10

The maximum fine for each book is £16.80 – 8 weeks.

Children and young adults using their own library card do not pay fines on books.

A repeat hire charge is made for overdue CDs and DVDs for each week, or part of a week that they are kept late.

Items borrowed from any Essex County Council library or other local authority library will be charged at the current rate for that authority.

You will not be allowed to use your library card if you owe £10 or more.

Items assumed lost

We will assume a loaned item is lost when the number of days passed since it was due for return or renewal is either:

  • 35 days for types of item we loan for 1 week
  • 49 days for all types of item except those we loan for 1 week

When an item is assumed lost we will add a further charge to your library account, equal to either:

  • the current standard cost of buying a replacement of the item from our library stock supplier
  • a fixed charge of £10 for any item no longer available from our library stock supplier

This charge will be removed from your account if you return or renew the item, but you will still have to pay the fine or repeat hire charge due for keeping the item late.

We are unable to accept a new copy of any item that you purchase as a replacement for a lost or damaged item.