Linford Household Waste and Recycling Centre (the tip)

Before you go to the tip

The Household Waste and Recycling Centre is in Buckingham Hill Road, Linford, SS17 0PP. Before visiting, check our opening dates and times and what you can and can’t take to the site.

You can only enter the site by travelling north on Buckingham Hill Road from Linford. No right-turn is permitted for vehicles travelling south on Buckingham Hill Road from the A13.

You must bring proof of address, such as a recent council tax bill, utility bill or permit to access the site, as you will be asked to prove you're a Thurrock resident – the tip is then free to use.

You do not need to book in advance – you can simply turn up during opening hours.

Trade waste is not accepted and will be challenged – you may be asked to complete a form confirming your items are household-only.

For more advice on how to dispose of unwanted items, go to our A to Z of waste and recycling.

Safety at the site

To protect site users and staff:

  • you must wait at the stop sign until you are told it's safe to proceed
  • staff will show you where to park
  • you must park with your vehicle facing forwards
  • only 1 person will be allowed on each walkway or set of steps to access containers

Vans and vehicles with trailers

Residents who wish to dispose of their household waste using a van or a vehicle with a trailer must have a valid permit to access the site.

You will not be allowed into the site at any time if your vehicle weighs more than 3.5 tonnes or is a:

  • Ford Transit
  • Luton van
  • heavy goods vehicle (HGV)
  • flatbed lorry
  • tipper van
  • minibus
  • vehicle similar in size to any of the above

If you have any other kind of small van or a single-wheel axle trailer less than 1.8m (about 6ft), you must apply for a new permit allowing up to 6 visits each year if you wish to use the site.

Vehicles with trailers are only allowed to enter the site on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Vehicles without trailers are also allowed to enter on these days.

Hire vehicles will be allowed on site no more than twice a year per address. Hire vans no larger than a Ford Transit short wheelbase are allowed, but only with a valid permit and proof of hire.

There is a height barrier of 1.8 metres (6 feet) at the entrance, with a separate traffic lane for van users who have a permit.

You will be refused entry and reported if you park a van outside the site and try to carry waste in.