Map-based open data


'Open data' means facts and figures that are free for anyone to access, use and reproduce without any restrictions or conditions.

We publish map-based open data that can be viewed online or downloaded in a range of formats.

Formats in which you can download data include:

  • CSV (comma-separated variables) – a simple format for use in a spreadsheet
  • KML (keyhole markup language) - for displaying in an Earth browser such as Google Earth
  • ShapeFile – a vector data format for geographic information system (GIS) software
  • GeoJSON (geographical JavaScript object notation) – an open standard for simple features

Use our Open Data for Thurrock service below to view and download a range of datasets.

Datasets are organised into categories. At present, most of our available datasets relate to our Core Strategy Local Plan – our current adopted development plan for Thurrock.

Open data for Thurrock

We will be adding more types of open data to this online service as they become available.