New Local Plan for Thurrock

Issues and options

Finding out what big issues affect the borough – and looking at options for addressing them – are important steps in producing the Local Plan.

Our first Local Plan 'issues and options' consultation (stage 1) took place in 2016 and covered broad policy themes.

Our second Local Plan 'issues and options' consultation (stage 2) took place from December 2018 until March 2019. It looked in more detail at the future needs of Thurrock and its residents.

Issues and Options (Stage 1)

Between February and April 2016 we consulted formally on our issues and options (stage 1). Go to Local Plan Issues and Options (Stage 1) consultation to read the full document and comments received. You can download the consultation report below.

Issues and Options (Stage 2)

Between December 2018 and March 2019 we consulted formally on our issues and options (stage 2). You can go to Local Plan Issues and Options (Stage 2) consultation to read the full consultation document, or download it below.

All comments we received – whether online, on printed forms, or face-to-face at events – are being used to help us prepare our new Local Plan for Thurrock.

You can download the consultation report below.

Draft Local Plan

We are now in the process of preparing a draft Local Plan. This will build upon the Issues and Options stages, and consider new and updated evidence. It will plan for development up to 2040, setting out a vision and strategy to guide future growth.

We will update our planning policy pages with updates on our progress of preparing the draft Local Plan.