Overview and scrutiny is the process that makes sure the decisions the council and its partners take reflect the opinions, wishes and interests of residents.
We have 3 overview and scrutiny committees:
You can find details of these committees and meeting documents online.
The role of overview and scrutiny committees
Overview and scrutiny committees don't make decisions. They look at the important things that affect you and suggest ways to improve them, including:
- looking at any service that affects the quality of life of people in Thurrock
- making sure decision-makers carry out their decisions in the correct way
Overview and scrutiny committees can suggest other actions to take. Their role also includes:
- advising the Cabinet on decisions it is about to take
- reviewing decisions made by the Cabinet before they carry them out (this is called the 'call in process')
- investigating and reviewing services if there are concerns about the way they are being delivered
- making sure the council carry out decisions in a way that meets your needs
- making comments on the work of other organisations
The terms of reference of each committee can be found in chapter four of the Council's Constitution.