Support for special educational needs and disability

Information, Advice and Support Services (IASS)

Independent information, advice and support services (IASS) are available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), along with their parents and carers.

Parent Advisory Team Thurrock (PATT) provides SEND IASS in Thurrock. Their services are free, impartial and confidential.

PATT SENDIASS supports children, young people – up to the age of 25 – and families with:

  • initial concerns and help to identify a possible special educational need or disability
  • help to find information, advice and support, both locally and nationally
  • education, health and care plan (EHCP) assessments
  • personal budgets
  • school exclusions that may relate to a special educational need or disability
  • ways of resolving disagreements
  • how to complain
  • how to appeals
Parent Advisory Team Thurrock (PATT) SENDIASS
51 Lodge Lane, Grays, RM17 5RZ

: 07702 127 252


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