Tenant satisfaction

How well we are doing

We carry out regular checks to make sure we're offering high quality homes and services to our council housing tenants. We do this partly by asking tenants how they feel about us as a landlord, and partly by using information from our service records.

The government's Regulator of Social Housing checks how well we are doing as a social housing landlord by looking at a range of consumer standards.

These standards include a set of 'tenant satisfaction measures' that we must publish online and share with the regulator.

Tenant satisfaction measures help tenants understand how well their landlords are performing. Tenants can compare performance with other landlords and hold their landlord to account.

Go to our tenant satisfaction measures 2023/24.

Tenant satisfaction survey

If you are a council housing tenant in Thurrock, we may contact you by phone and invite you to take part in a tenant satisfaction survey. When you take part you can tell us how you feel about your home and the service we provide. The survey will ask you about your:

  • overall satisfaction
  • satisfaction with repairs
  • satisfaction with the time we took to complete your most recent repair
  • satisfaction that the home is well maintained
  • satisfaction that the home is safe
  • satisfaction that we listen to tenant views and act upon them
  • satisfaction that we keep tenants informed about things that matter to them
  • agreement that we treat tenants fairly and with respect
  • satisfaction with our approach to handling complaints
  • satisfaction that we keep communal areas clean and well maintained
  • satisfaction that we make a positive contribution to neighbourhoods
  • satisfaction with our approach to handling anti-social behaviour

Other measures

We also check how well we're doing by using our service records on:

  • complaints received
  • complaints responded to on time
  • anti-social behaviour cases
  • homes that don't currently meet the decent homes standard
  • repairs completed on time
  • gas safety checks
  • fire safety checks
  • asbestos safety checks
  • water safety checks
  • lift safety checks

Reporting tenant satisfaction measures

We report tenant satisfaction measures by grouping the above information into 5 categories:

  • keeping properties in good repair
  • maintaining building safety
  • respectful and helpful engagement
  • effective handling of complaints
  • responsible neighbourhood management

We will publish reports on tenant satisfaction measures each year.

We use tenant satisfaction measures to help us to:

  • better understand of the quality of our services and how well we are performing
  • better understand our tenants' needs and preferences
  • find out where we're not doing well enough
  • improve our services for tenants

Charter for social housing residents

The government's charter for social housing residents sets out actions the government will take to make sure residents in social housing are safe, are listened to, live in good quality homes, and have access to redress when things go wrong. Go to GOV.UK: The charter for social housing residents.

Within Thurrock Council, the posts below have responsibilities as set out in the charter.

Charter responsibility Who is responsible
Person responsible for complying with consumer standards Chief Officer for Housing, Economic Development and Skills, Regeneration
Person responsible for complying with health and safety requirements Head of Assets, Repairs and Compliance