Volunteering with the council

A joint commitment

When you volunteer with us we make a commitment to you, and expect a commitment in return.

Our commitment to you

Our commitment to volunteers is to:

  • make sure that volunteering is rewarding for all involved
  • recognise the importance of high standards and effective management of volunteers
  • be flexible in relation to personal circumstances
  • support volunteers if they wish to say 'no' to additional tasks or responsibilities, or if they wish to leave
  • offer volunteers opportunities for personal development within the volunteer role or to assist in exploring new opportunities
  • provide volunteers with support and guidance through a volunteer manager
  • provide volunteers with an open, accessible and fair process for raising any concerns and issues
  • pay out of pocket approved expenses in relation to the volunteer role, as agreed by your volunteer manager
  • provide public liability insurance
  • inform volunteers about health and safety matters and make sure they have a safe volunteering environment
  • implement our equal opportunities policy, which provides the basis by which we develop best practices for the benefit of current and future staff as required by law

What we expect from you

We expect our volunteers to:

  • perform the volunteering role to the best of their ability
  • attend information, relevant workshops and support sessions as appropriate to the volunteering role
  • volunteer within the council's priorities, aims and objectives
  • follow our standards for equal opportunities, health and safety, data protection, confidentiality, and any others applicable to the role – training will be given
  • assist other volunteers and staff as part of a team
  • let the volunteer manager know as early as possible if they are unable to carry out their volunteering duties
  • refer concerns or issues to the volunteer manager or other council staff, as appropriate
  • not bring the council's name into disrepute and follow the volunteers agreement
  • treat information about service users, staff or other volunteers in a confidential way
  • act at all times in the best interests of the council
  • promote diversity and respect for the diverse community we serve
  • make sure equality is at the heart of any volunteer activity conducted on behalf of the council