Planning permission
Planning permission, in simple terms, is like asking if you can do a certain piece of building work. It will be granted – sometimes with conditions – or refused.
You can make some types of works to your house without needing planning permission. These are called permitted development rights.
Planning Portal: permission has lots of guidance on planning permission and when you will need it. You can explore the online houses linked below to find out about specific types of work.
House guide
The Planning Portal interactive detached house gives guidance on many common householder projects, including home microgeneration, in England.

Terrace guide
The Planning Portal interactive terrace gives guidance relating to flats, shops and basements as well as many common householder projects, in England.

Other interactive guides
You can find more interactive guides – for example, to the rules for conservatories, extensions, loft conversions, outbuildings and porches – at Planning Portal: interactive guides.
Wildlife checks
Biodiversity in Planning provides a free online tool for householders and small- or medium-scale developers to check whether they will need expert ecological advice before submitting a planning application. Go to Biodiversity in Planning: Wildlife Assessment Check.
This tool is not meant for large developments where formal Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) are required by law.
Before you apply
If you think you need planning permission we encourage you to use our pre-application advice service before you apply.
You can submit an application to us via the Planning Portal apply online website.