Help with applications at your library

Help with bus pass applications

You can apply for your national concessionary bus pass at any Thurrock library during normal opening hours. The pass gives older people free off-peak travel on local buses anywhere in England.

Find out more about the national concessionary bus pass.

Thurrock libraries can only help with applications based on age.

You must be of state pension age to apply for a bus pass through a Thurrock library – check your eligibility.

To apply at your library, you need to bring 3 proofs of identity:

  • 1 proof of age – for example, a driving licence or current passport
  • 2 proofs of your current address – for example, bills, typed letters, prescriptions

Our library staff will then:

  • take your photo
  • complete the form online and send it on your behalf

Your bus pass will be sent to your home.

If you are not of state pension age but would like to apply for a pass because you have a disability, go to applying for a bus pass based on disability.