Standards for service responses
Most of our services are available to you online – 24 hours a day, all the year round.
When you ask us for a service we will respond to you clearly and accurately.
When you ask for information
The quickest way to find information about our services is to check our web pages.
If you ask us for information we will provide it as soon as possible. Our freedom of information page includes our response standard and policy.
When you make an application
The time we take to process an application will depend on the service you want. Some applications are simple whilst others can be complex or involve more than one organisation.
Where possible, we publish our standard response times on the web pages of each service – for example, housing benefit, planning applications, and so on.
When you report a problem
We will work to sort out problems as quickly as possible, but the time we take can depend on the type of problem.
As with applications, we publish our standard response times on individual service web pages – for example, housing repairs, street lighting, and so on.
When you complain
Complaints about our services are always taken seriously.
You can find details of the steps we take – along with the response standards for each step – on our complaints pages.