Breaks for carers
We know that caring for someone else can be hard. Sometimes having a short break – anything from just a few hours to a few weeks – can mean a lot.
Benefits can include catching up with everyday things like going shopping, or meeting friends and family.
Taking a break also gives the person you care for:
- a chance to meet new people
- a change of scenery and routine
You can find a variety of ways to take a break, either in or away from your home, during the day, evening and weekend.
Types of breaks
Day centres offer a range of activities for older adults living alone, with their families or carers.
Other examples of breaks include:
- care cover at your own home
- friendship activities at Thurrock Carers Centre
- short residential stays for older adults
- short breaks for disabled adults
- holidays with the person you care for
Other ways we can help
We can help carers access other leisure and learning opportunities away from their caring role.
You may be eligible for a carers direct payment, which can help reduce the financial pressure of being a carer and be used towards time for yourself. To access opportunities and direct payments, you must first have a carer's assessment.
You can get more information and advice from Thurrock Carers Service – a support service provided by voluntary organisations for carers in Thurrock.
Contact us
To talk about different types of break, or to ask about a carer's assessment, contact us below.
: 01375 511 000
Main opening hours are Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm.
Limited service on Monday to Friday from 7am to 9am and 5pm to 7pm, and on weekends and bank holidays from 7am to 7pm.
Read more about Thurrock First.