Blackshots Estate redevelopment

Demolition of the tower blocks

Following consultations, community events and talks with residents about plans to demolish Bevan House, Keir Hardie House and Morrison House, we have now issued a formal notice.

Our formal Initial Demolition Notice (IDN):

  • advises tenants that we expect to demolish the 3 tower blocks
  • suspends any 'Right to Buy' applications that have been submitted by tenants

The IDN does not mean that demolition of the towers is about to start.

Demolition can only start after:

  • planning permission has been granted
  • a timetable for the redevelopment work has been finalised and the towers are due to be demolished within 2 years
  • a Final Demolition Notice has been issued

If for any reason we decide not to demolish the tower blocks, a Revocation Notice will be issued. This would mean the IDN is withdrawn and residents can use the 'Right to Buy' again.

Your welfare

Resident welfare is our priority – we'll make sure properties remain suitable to occupy.

We will continue essential maintenance and repairs of the properties and blocks while they are occupied by tenants.

Your rights

An IDN does not affect your rights and responsibilities set out in your tenancy agreement, other than the 'Right to Buy'.

You can make a new Right to Buy application, but we cannot complete the sale whilst the IDN is active. If we serve a Final Demolition Notice, any existing Right to Buy applications are ended and no new claims can be processed.

If you move to another council property where the 'Right to Buy' can apply, then your eligibility will continue at your new address. Examples of housing where 'Right to Buy' does not apply include supported housing and sheltered accommodation.

Moving out of the tower blocks

We are working with all residents of the tower blocks to help them move to alternative housing before spring of 2025. Our 'Decant Officer' will contact tenants and arrange a visit to discuss housing needs and how we can help with moving out.

Tenants will also have support from our Allocations Project Officer, who will help with the process of finding a new home and preparing to move in.

Leaseholders and tenants of leaseholders can get further support from our Home Ownership service and our Housing Solutions team.

You can get independent support and advice from NewmanFrancis, an organisation that works with communities to create strong, vibrant neighbourhoods that are better places to live and that residents are proud to call their home.

To contact any of the above or find out more about their work, read who to contact.